Having your realtor portrait taken on location creates great versatility with your marketing and website page designs. Taking photos in residential communities, homes and parks, South Florida has many beautiful backgrounds to work with.
On location portrait at VPA Interior Design
A recent on location portrait I took at VPA Interior Design. Being in their work surroundings really helps put my clients at ease sometimes.
Studio Portraits for Real Estate Marketing
Recent photos taken in the studio to be used in real estate marketing online and in print.
Portrait of an Attorney
I recently did an on location portrait of an attorney who was looking to enhance his website with new portrait images. We took shots at 3 separate locations. Trying to capture a look that was professional and confident without being stiff or static, I think we succeeded.
At The Palm Beach Courthouse
Professional Portraits
If you're looking for a professional portrait Arne Roslund Photography can give you the look you want in studio or on location. Take advantage of Robin's years of experience in portrait taking and photoshop retouching.